Captain America 4 Set Photo Teases The Return Of A Sinister Marvel Organization

The Roxxon Energy Corporation is introduced in 1974’s “Captain America” #180, with Steve Rogers (then known as the Nomad instead of Captain America) tasked with rescuing its CEO, Hugh Jones, from the evil Serpent Squad. The villains use Jones to hunt down an artifact known as the Serpent Crown, which he eventually finds and is corrupted by. Using its power, he attempts to use Roxxon’s resources to control the United States government — a scheme that comes to stand as one of many that the corporation and its leaders spearhead over the years. 

Once Roxxon and those who run it show their true colors, they clash with individual members of the Avengers and the entire team itself, coming up short in conflict more often than not. Still, given its positive persona among the general public and connections in both legal and illegal activities, it’s quite a monumental corporate threat for Earth’s heroes to handle. Therefore, if Marvel Studios is looking for a massive, shadowy organization to put up against the MCU’s heroes à la Hydra, Roxxon is certainly a strong candidate.

The potentially Roxxon Corporation-featuring “Captain America: Brave New World” aims to premiere on July 26, 2024.
